East Fortune Heat and F24+ R1 Sun 15 April 2018
F24 Race 2 Confirmed: 18:52
Track Conditions: ..
P # Team Entrant Result Gap Int L-Lap B-Lap A-Lap Dist Speed
1 231 K Blue Performance Police Scotland * 25L 1:30'0c* 25L 1:30'0c* 3'7 3'7(1) 3'7 28.5 19.0
2 235 The Coasters Eyemouth High * 21L 1:30'0c* +17'9 +17'9 3'12 3'12(1) 3'12 23.9 16.0
3 221 K VOLA Racing West College Scotland * 19L 1:0'0c* +18'57 +6'19 3'16 3'16(1) 3'16 21.7 21.7
4 222 K Gold Slam West College Scotland * 9L 1:30'0c* +2:40'0 +2:10'0 3'21 3'21(1) 3'21 10.3 6.8
5 223 K Inver Racers West College Scotland * 5L 1:30'0c* +6:0'0 +1:12'0 3'25 3'25(1) 3'25 5.7 3.8
6 224 K East Ren Rebels West College Scotland * 4L 1:30'0c* +7:52'30 +22'30 3'29 3'29(1) 3'29 4.56 3.0
6 Competitors
Best Lap(1) 3'7.106 by Blue Performance (21.9MPH)
19:34 Thu 3 May 2018
East Fortune Heat and F24+ R1